Mastering MySQL: Understanding and Implementing Database Constraints

Mastering MySQL: Understanding and Implementing Database Constraints

In MySQL, constraints are rules applied to columns in a table to enforce data integrity and define the structure of the database. They ensure that data meets certain criteria or conditions, such as uniqueness, referential integrity, or the absence of NULL values.

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MYSQL Basic 20 command for Web development by ocec

MYSQL Basic 20 command for Web development by ocec

here are examples of SQL commands for creating a database, creating a table, deleting a table, adding a column, deleting a column, and inserting data:

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What is MYSQL data type with Example by ocec

What is MYSQL data type with Example by ocec

MySQL data types define the type of data that can be stored in a database column. They include INTEGER for whole numbers, VARCHAR for variable-length strings, DATE for dates, BOOLEAN for true/false values, and more. Each data type has specific characteristics and storage requirements, optimizing data management and retrieval.

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