what is Java Variable and Data type

what is Java Variable and Data type

A variable is a named storage location in computer memory that holds a data value, which can be modified during program execution. It serves as a symbolic representation for data, allowing programmers to manipulate and reference values within their code.

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Laravel send SMTP mail  by Gmail

Laravel send SMTP mail by Gmail

This setup allows you to send emails using Gmail SMTP in Laravel by leveraging the Mail class and configuring SMTP settings. The controller method triggers the email sending process, and the Mail class handles the creation and delivery of the email using the specified view file for the email content.

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Keywords of java language by ocec

Keywords of java language by ocec

In Java, a keyword refers to a reserved word that has a predefined meaning and purpose within the language. These keywords are part of the Java language syntax and cannot be used as identifiers, such as variable names, method names, or class names.

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