What is Java ? What can be done with Java?

What is Java ? What can be done with Java?

Java: Versatile, robust, platform-independent language; widely used across diverse industries for various applications, from enterprise software to mobile development and big data processing, known for its portability and extensive ecosystem of libraries and frameworks

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Simple JavaScript CRUD : Create, Read, Update, Delete step by step by OCEC

Simple JavaScript CRUD : Create, Read, Update, Delete step by step by OCEC

This code implements a CRUD application using HTML, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. It allows users to add, view, update, and delete records with features for managing profile pictures

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What is laravel pagination and how to use step by step guide by ocec

What is laravel pagination and how to use step by step guide by ocec

Pagination in Laravel breaks large result sets into smaller, manageable chunks for easier browsing. It automatically divides data into pages and generates navigation links, enhancing user experience when dealing with large datasets.

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